Regional Partner Organization

RPO is a project of the New Mexico Forum for Youth in Communities. For the ninth year in a row, AppleTree has been serving as one of the ten state-wide regional partner organizations for the NMFYC. As a regional partner, AppleTree receives organizational, developmental, and technical assistance. In return, AppleTree is able to provide training to establish, support, and expand positive youth development in Sierra County. AppleTree is currently investing in youth leadership through the Sierra County Youth and Education Council, Teen Outreach Program, and various Service Learning Projects. As an RPO, AppleTree works with the New Mexico After school Alliance and Lights on After School. Through NMFYC, AppleTree is also able to receive Americorps* VISTA volunteers.

More on RPO

To provide connections between New Mexico communities and state systems and facilitate the transfer of communication, knowledge, and resources.
For New Mexico’s youth to have limitless opportunities within their communities and be grounded in the strength of our state’s diversity.
The Forum is a partnership that advances the well-being of young people by endeavoring to change how young people are viewed and responded to by communities and major social institutions. It is the goal of the Forum to develop local and state-wide strategies that engage youth in positive and constructive activities; to instill a sense of long-term hope, aspiration, and sense of possibility; to advocate for policies and funding streams that support the positive youth development.

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  • Coming Soon.